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2、Walking through the thousands of waters in Qian Shan,watching the world of mortals,experiencing ups and downs,and tasting the joys and sorrows,only the mother's care never wavered.Today is Mother's Day,remember to go home and give your mother a true hug!

3、The silver hair on the side is immersed in the concern for children; The wrinkles on the forehead are engraved with love for children; The calluses in the palm adhere to the expectation of children's happiness.Mother's Day is coming.May my mother be happy and healthy!

4、In the world,only mother is good,no matter children are treasures,children can't enjoy their love,and tiredness is only good for children.In the world,only mother is good,but motherly love is priceless and hard to return.Only strive to work diligently,be filial on Mother's Day,and have a happy Mother's Day!

5、Mom,I hope that in the future,you will have more happiness and less troubles; More relaxed,less tired; More leisure,less busy; Smile more and worry less.Mother's Day is coming,I wish you a happy holiday!


7、Leave your troubles and give me happiness; Leave hardships and give happiness to me; Leave the hard work and give me health; Leave the pain behind and give me love; Mom,mom,I wish you a happy holiday!

8、Dear Mom: You used your solid arms to hold up a blue sky for me; Now,I also want to shield you from the wind and rain with my increasingly plump wings.Mom,I love you forever! I wish you health and happiness!

9、虽然你有时不免有些罗嗦,还有些脾气,但我还是认为,你是我心目中最好的妻子,孩子最好的妈妈。 今天是母亲节,祝您母亲节快乐!

10、看着妈妈的白发和妈妈的皱纹,是你把我抚养长大。 健康快乐。


12、The annual Mother's Day is here again.Although I am not with you,I still miss you very much.The thousands of waters in Qian Shan can't stop my concern for you.There are thousands of words that can't tell you how grateful you are to me.I wish you a happy holiday!


14、Motherly love turns out to be a kind of wine,which turns into missing after drinking.

15、Today is Mother's Day.May you be healthy and beautiful forever.Everything goes well and goes well.No flowers,no gifts,only my deep blessings!

16、妈妈是一本厚书。读不出来的是爱,写不出来的是亲情,说不出的是感恩,带不走的是记忆,读不出来的是母爱. 2020母亲节,祝天下每一位母亲节日快乐!




20、Mother's Day,wish all mothers in the world peace,happiness,health and longevity!


22、There is one of the most beautiful voices in the world,that is,the mother's call.Happy Mother's Day!



25、Mom,I wish you a long and healthy life!

26、I wish you good health,happiness,peace and happiness forever.You are the greatest in my heart and have a happy holiday!

27、Mother's Day is coming.I wish you good health and Jennifer.

28、Dear Mom,years have burned your youth,but your care and encouragement will accompany me to walk through life.Use my heart to smooth the wrinkles on your forehead,and use my love to infect the white hair on your head.Happy Mother's Day to you!

29、The blue sky in May is pure and flawless,and mother's mind is wider than heaven and earth.Mother's Day is coming.May you be happy and healthy!





34、太阳不出来太阳还是很美,星星不出来灯还是亮眨眼,春雨不落,花不落,心依旧滋养 园中花蕾依旧春意盎然,生活不易,心情依旧明朗。母亲节快乐!

35、Dear Mom,I wish you happiness and good luck on Mother's Day.I love you.

36、May mother be healthy and live a hundred years! Happy life,happiness forever!




40、I wish my mother's feet as long as health,her nagging as warm as happiness,and happy Mother's Day!



43、When I fell,your eyes gave me courage! When I failed,your eyes made me strong! When I succeed,there is also a person who shares this happiness with me! Mom,thank you! Happy Mother's Day to you!

44、Year after year,ups and downs,day after day,from sunset,my mother's love seeped into my heart.On this holiday occasion,I would like to offer a sincere glass of wine,wishing my mother a long life and happiness,and a happy Mother's Day!

45、Motherly love,like the warm sun in winter,gives the dawn of hope.Mother's Day is coming,Mom,I love you!


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