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2、Mom, your efforts for many years are only for my healthy growth. Mothers Day is coming. Thank you for everything. 妈妈,你这么多年的努力只是为了我的健康成长。母亲节快到了。谢谢你所做的一切。

3、我在夜空下等了许久,终于见流星划过,流星问我是什么愿望,何以让你在此苦苦等待。我对流星说:母亲节快到了,愿收到这条短信的母亲健康长寿。 I waited for a long time under the night sky, and finally saw a meteor passing by. The meteor asked me what my wish was, and why did you wait here so hard. I said to the meteor: Mothers Day is approaching, and I wish the mother who received this message a healthy and long life.





8、母亲节到来,愿母亲身体健康,笑口常开! Mothers Day is coming, may my mother be healthy and always smile!





13、A hedge between keeps friendship green, so every day, I always dont forget to send a to you: happy holidays. When I finished, I remembered that today is mothers day! 君子之交淡如水,所以每到节日的时候,我总不忘记对你送上一句:节日快乐。等我说完了,我才想起今天是母亲节!

14、Mom, I wish you a little more happy, less trouble; More health, no more injuries; A little more happiness, I dont let you worry. Mothers Day comes, I just want to say to you: mom, hard! May you always be healthy, always happy, always beautiful and always happy! 妈妈,我愿您快乐多一点,烦恼少一点;健康多一点,伤病不再有;幸福多一点,我不再让你担心。母亲节来到,我只想和您说声:妈,辛苦了!愿您永远健康,永远快乐,永远美丽,永远幸福!


16、您的身影渐渐弯曲,可您对我的关怀却一直挺立;您的记忆一点点衰退,可您对我的挂念却有增无减;您的容颜在一天天变化,可您对我的爱却从未改变。母亲节到了,母亲您为了我辛苦了,愿母亲安康长寿。 Your figure is gradually bending, but your care for me has always stood firm; Your memory is fading bit by bit, but your concern for me is increasing and not decreasing; Your face is changing day by day, but your love for me has never changed. Mothers Day has arrived. You have worked hard for me, mother. May my mother live a long and healthy life.



19、我知道世界上你最疼我爱我关心我!没别的意思,就想说:妈妈,母亲节快乐! I know that you love and care about me the most in the world! Theres no other meaning, just want to say: Mom, Happy Mothers Day!



22、Roses are red, violets are blue. This card on Mother‘s Day isespecially for you. 玫瑰是红色的,紫罗兰是蓝色的。这张母亲节卡片是专门给你的。




26、怀念儿时你温暖怀抱,最大愿望是你永远不老,内心珍藏你亲切微笑,祝所有妈妈日子越过越好!母亲节快乐,天天快乐! Remembering your warm embrace when you were a child, my greatest wish is that you will never grow old. I cherish your warm smile in my heart, and wish all mothers a better life! Happy Mothers Day, happy every day!

27、五月的鲜花,开满儿女的牵挂,我有很多真心话,不知道如何表达;您为我为了这个家,付出多少辛劳啊,祝福您亲爱的妈妈,母亲节快乐。 May flowers, filled with childrens worries, I have many sincere words, I dont know how to express them; How much effort have you put into my life for this family? Wishing your dear mother a happy Mothers Day.


29、Born me, you bear the pain; Raise me, you bear hardships; Nurture me, you bear the fatigue; Teach me, you bear hard work; Mothers Day is coming, with my filial piety, wish my mother happy, take my sincerity, wish my mother happy, I wish my mother a happy holiday. 生我,您承受着痛苦;养我,您承受着艰辛;育我,您承受着劳累;教我,您承受着辛劳;母亲节到了,带着我的孝心,愿妈妈开心,拿着我的诚意,愿妈妈顺心顺意,祝妈妈节日快乐。

30、有您关心,是我一生的幸运;有您爱护,是我一生的幸福;有您牵挂,世间母爱最伟大;母亲节到,祝母亲生活幸福,开心无数,身体健康,永远吉祥。 Having your concern is my lifelong luck; Having your love and care is my lifelong happiness; With your concern, maternal love is the greatest in the world; On Mothers Day, I wish my mother a happy life, countless joys, good health, and always good luck.


32、Sewing, weaving endless thoughts with love; Sew and mend, fill the lack of life with feelings. The eyes of the needle are dense, looking forward to the return of the wanderer. Mothers Day, I wish my mother always shine with the glory of the years! 飞针走线,用爱编织无尽的思念;缝缝补补,用情填补生活的欠缺。针眼密密,期盼游子归程。母亲节,祝母亲永远闪耀着岁月的光辉!

33、Travel across the mountains and rivers, see the ebb and flow, after the wind and rain, taste the sweet, sour, bitter, always feel your embrace the most warm! No matter how far I go, my heart will always be nostalgic. Happy mothers day to my mother! 踏遍千山万水,看过潮起潮落,历经风吹雨打,尝尽酸甜苦辣,始终觉得您的怀抱最温暖!不论我走多远,心中永远怀恋。祝妈妈母亲节快乐!

34、贺卡不能代表我的孝顺,鲜花不能代表我的关心,短信也不能代表我对你的想念。可是尽管如此,我依然要在母亲节来临之际,真心祝你节日快乐,幸福长寿。 Greeting cards cannot represent my filial piety, flowers cannot represent my care, and text messages cannot represent my longing for you. However, despite this, I still wish you a happy holiday and a long and happy life on Mothers Day.








42、千山万水挡不住我对您千丝万缕的思念,千呼万唤难以表达我对您的千恩万谢,千言万语无法描绘您的千辛万苦。今天,只能轻轻地对您说:母亲节快乐! Thousands of mountains and rivers cannot stop my countless thoughts of you, countless calls cannot express my gratitude to you, and countless words cannot describe your hardships. Today, I can only gently say to you: Happy Mothers Day!

43、Mothers Day is coming, let my greetings, smooth the wrinkles on your face, wish you young; Brush away your worries, wish you happy; Brush off your disease, wish you health; Warm your loving heart, wish you happiness! Mom, happy Mothers Day! 母亲节到了,让我的问候,抚平您脸上的皱纹,愿您年轻;拂去您心中的忧虑,愿您快乐;拂掉您身上的疾病,愿您健康;温暖您慈爱的心灵,愿您幸福!妈妈,母亲节快乐!

44、No matter the side or the horizon, you always take me; Rich or poor, you always walk with me; Young or old, you always run for me; Whether insipid or brilliant, you always treat me the same; Youre always there for me, in good times and in bad. Mothers Day is coming, dear mother, you have worked hard, wish you happiness, health, happiness and good luck! 不管身边还是天边,你总是把我挂牵;不管贫穷还是富有,你总是陪我共走;不管年幼还是年长,你总是为我奔忙;不管平淡还是辉煌,你总是待我一样;不管快乐还是悲伤,你总是伴我身旁。母亲节到了,亲爱的妈妈,您辛苦了,愿你幸福健康,快乐吉祥!



47、母爱如水,长流不息;母爱如树,挚伞呵护;母爱如屋,默默庇护;母爱如灯,照亮前程。母亲节里,感恩母爱,祝福母亲,快乐幸福! Mothers love is like water, flowing endlessly; Mothers love is like a tree, protected by a sincere umbrella; Mothers love is like a house, silently sheltering; Mothers love is like a lamp, illuminating the future. On Mothers Day, be grateful for maternal love, wish your mother happiness and happiness!



50、Mother church before planting plant nepenthes, wish mother happy, no worries, Mother put a basin of bed carnation, wish mother happy and healthy body. Mother ankang son, mothers day, mother SMS blessing feeling well: peace be to mother! 母亲堂前栽株忘忧草,愿母亲快乐无烦恼;母亲床边放盆康乃馨,愿母亲幸福健康身。母亲安康儿安心,母亲节,短信祝福感母恩:愿母亲平安顺心!

51、Mom, thank you for giving me life and let me grow up under your care. Happy Mothers Day! 妈妈,谢谢你给了我生命,让我在你的呵护下成长。母亲节快乐!



54、今日是母亲节,在这个温暖而温馨的日子,我代表天下所有的儿女,真诚祝愿天下所有的母亲都笑容灿烂,身体健康,幸福平安,真诚道一句:妈妈,我爱你! Today is Mothers Day. On this warm and cozy day, on behalf of all children in the world, I sincerely wish all mothers a bright smile, good health, happiness, and peace. I sincerely say: Mom, I love you!



57、挂念我的人是您,心疼我的人是您,关心我的人还是您,这个人就是给我生命的母亲;母亲节即将来到,送上我对您的祝福,愿妈妈您身体健康,心情舒畅。 You are the one who misses me, you are the one who cares for me, and you are the one who cares about me. This person is the mother who gave me life; Mothers Day is coming soon, and I send you my blessings. May you be healthy and happy, Mom.





62、想念,布满深情的天空!祈祷,在这美丽的季节!幸福,母亲无私的疼爱!祝愿:亲爱的妈妈一生平安,身体安康,母亲节快乐! Missing, a sky full of deep affection! Prayer, in this beautiful season! Happiness, the selfless love of a mother! Wishing dear mother a safe and healthy life, and a happy Mothers Day!



65、A mothers love in the heart forever make you happy, is what I think, let you happy, I hope, your smile, such as flowers bloom, the original mothers smile is the most charming scenery in the world, mother your beauty in the heart of the child forever, I wish a happy mothers Day! 母爱心中永存 让你快乐,是我所想,让你幸福,我所希望,你的笑容,如花绽放,原来妈妈地笑容才是世界上最迷人的风光,妈妈您的美丽在孩儿心中永存,祝母亲节快乐!


67、一声问候,温暖涌上心头;一句安慰,感动充满心扉;一份祝愿,脸上绽放笑颜;一片温情,母爱紧紧相融。母亲节,把母亲的快乐留住,让她感受幸福。 With a single greeting, warmth surges into my heart; A comforting sentence fills the heart with emotion; A wish, a smile blooming on the face; A warm and maternal love tightly intertwined. On Mothers Day, keep your mothers happiness and let her feel happy.





72、Mothers nagging: mothers nagging, like the weather forecast is old and new, warning you in advance; Mothers nagging, like hot spring straight bubbling, endless. I deeply wish mother a happy holiday! 母亲的唠叨:妈妈的唠叨,像天气预报又旧又新,提前向你发警告;妈妈的唠叨,像温泉直冒咕嘟咕嘟,没完没了。我深深的祝母亲节日快乐!

73、今天是母亲节,没有鲜花,没有礼物,只有我深深的祝福!祝愿你最最亲爱的母亲:永远健康,年轻美丽,快乐幸福,顺心如意。 Today is Mothers Day, without flowers or gifts, only my deep blessings! Wishing your dearest mother: always healthy, young and beautiful, happy and happy, all the best.

74、The mother to the warmth from the mind; Mother gives happiness from the memory of life; The mothers love transcends the worldly track; Mothers warmth in the heart like a rainbow beautiful, happy mothers Day! 母亲给的温馨来自于心灵的惦记;母亲给的快乐来自生命的回忆;母亲的关爱超越了世俗的轨迹;母亲的温暖放在心中像彩虹一样美丽,母亲节快乐!



77、Have around have, dont forget, have got, more to cherish, belong to their own, dont give up, have lost, leave as memories, want to get, must work hard. Happy Mothers Day! 曾绕拥有的,不要忘记,已经得到的,更要珍惜,属于自己的,不要放弃,已经失去的,留做回忆,想要得到的,必须努力。母亲节快乐!


79、Smooth the wrinkles on your forehead with my heart, and infect the white hair on your head with my love. Happy Mothers Day to you! 用我的心抚平你额头上的皱纹,用我的爱感染你头上的白发。祝你母亲节快乐!

80、鱼儿离不开水,蝴蝶离不开花;短信离不开你,孩子离不开妈。人世间,母亲最伟大!母亲节,祝福所有的母亲:健康快乐! Fish cannot do without water, and butterflies cannot do without blooming; SMS cannot do without you, children cannot do without Mom. In this world, mothers are the greatest! Mothers Day, wishing all mothers health and happiness!


82、母亲,您的双眼是永生难忘的清泉,您的双手是无限温柔的宇宙,您的胸膛是永恒明媚的天堂,您的发丝是我永远不变的牵挂。母亲节到了,愿母亲健康长寿,快乐永久。 Mother, your eyes are an unforgettable spring, your hands are an infinitely gentle universe, your chest is an eternal and beautiful paradise, and your hair is my eternal concern. Mothers Day has arrived. May my mother live a long and healthy life, and happiness be everlasting.



85、To mother on Mother’s Day:Thank you for all of the wonderful things that you h ave done for me. 母亲节致母亲:谢谢你为我所做的一切美好的事情。

86、Mom, I wish you young and never old; Mothers day came today, blessing continuous to find you; May you be better, happy and close, sweet and sweet to laugh, and never ever have trouble! 妈妈你,愿你年轻永不老;母亲节日今来到,祝福绵绵把您找;愿你身体更加好,舒畅快乐紧紧靠,甜甜蜜蜜来欢笑,永永远远无烦恼!

87、愿你每一天:春风洋溢你、家人关心你、爱情滋润你、财神关照你、朋友忠于你、我会永远宠爱你、幸运星永远照着你!祝妈妈母亲节快乐身体健康 May every day be filled with spring breeze, loved ones care for you, love nourishes you, the God of Wealth cares for you, friends are loyal to you, I will always love you, and the lucky star will always shine on you! Wishing Mom a happy Mothers Day and good health






93、额头皱纹越刻越深,您的付出深不知根;白发越来越多,您的奉献感人泪落;儿女渐长渐高,恩情已知回报。母亲节,回家看看,尽尽孝心,祝母亲天天快乐好心情。 The wrinkles on your forehead are getting deeper and deeper, and your efforts are unknown; More and more white hair, your dedication is moving to tears; Children grow older and taller, and kindness is known to be repaid. Mothers Day, go home and take a look, show filial piety, and wish your mother a happy and good mood every day.




97、Years dyed white hair, but do not take youth; Years have written down wrinkles, but do not take away the beauty; Years of growth of children, grow up is childlike innocence. Mothers day, mothers love is full of heart, I wish my mother forever young and beautiful! 岁月浸染了白发,却带不走青春;岁月写下了皱纹,却带不走美丽;岁月成长了儿女,长不大的是童心。母亲节了,妈妈的爱装满心田,祝妈妈永远青春美丽!

98、好妈妈,听好耳朵;母亲的教诲,深入人心;母亲的线条,镌刻进眼睛;母亲的教诲是终生的。母亲节快到了;发送祝福,真诚。祝福所有的母亲:健康长寿! Good mother, listen carefully to your ears; Mothers teachings deeply penetrate into peoples hearts; The lines of the mother are engraved into the eyes; Mothers teachings are lifelong. Mothers Day is approaching; Sending blessings and sincerity. Wishing all mothers: health and longevity!

99、无论我是貌美如仙还是丑陋不堪,你都会夸赞我的容颜;无论我是成功还是失败,你都会站在我的身边;无论我是在眼前还是远在天边,你的叮咛都不会断绝。妈妈,你时刻牵挂着儿女的一切。母亲节到了,祝妈妈幸福安康! Whether I am as beautiful as a fairy or ugly, you will praise my appearance; Whether I succeed or fail, you will stand by my side; Whether I am in front of you or far away, your advice will never stop. Mom, you always care about everything about your children. Mothers Day is here, I wish my mother happiness and health!


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