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1、生活若剥去理想梦想幻想,那生命便只是一堆空架子。 If you strip away the ideal, dream and fantasy, life is just a pile ofempty shelves.

2、我跟自己说,就算成长的环境再阴暗,也有开花的权利。 I told myself that even if the growing environment is dark, we have theright to blossom.

3、做老实人,说老实话,干老实事,就是实事求是。 To be an honest person, to speak honestly and to do honest things is toseek truth from facts.[赵老师教案网 m.ZjAn56.CoM]

4、不是看到了希望才去坚持,而是坚持了才有希望! Only when we have the hope, we can see the hope!

5、人生重要的不是所站的位置,而是所朝的方向。 The important thing in life is not the position, but the direction.

6、嫉妒是对别人最大的赞美,对自己最无能的体现。 Jealousy is the greatest praise to others and the most impotent expressionof oneself.

7、改变自己会痛苦,但不改变自己会吃苦。 Change yourself will be painful, but do not change yourself willsuffer.

8、你不能左右天气,但你能转变你心情。 You can't control the weather, but you can change your mood.

9、每天无所事事,是人生的消费者,积极有用才是人生的创造者。 Doing nothing every day is the consumer of life, and being active anduseful is the creator of life.

10、学习存在着不同的梯级和深度,因而也就存在着进展的可能。 There are different levels and depths of learning, so there is thepossibility of progress.

11、思考是一件最辛苦的工作,这可能是为什么很少人愿意思考的原因。 Thinking is the hardest work, which may be why few people are willing tothink.

12、在每一天的开始,给自己一个微笑。 At the beginning of each day, give yourself a smile.

13、一个人,知识通过学习可以得到。 A person, knowledge can be obtained through learning.

14、幸福像河底的软泥,拿捏不起,却触摸在记忆里。 Happiness is like the soft mud at the bottom of the river. It can't bepinched, but it is touched in memory.

15、设立目标,然后把目标细化为每一步的实际行动。 Set goals, and then refine them into practical actions for each step.


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