
活动范文 > 活动范文 > 导航







2、The company is changing their sales strategy in response to competitor's tactics.

3、The unexpected change in schedule caused confusion among the students.

4、The company changed their policy on vacation time.

5、The bus driver takes the children to school. To school, the children are taken by the bus driver.

6、She changed her mind about going to the party.

7、John painted his room blue. His room was painted blue by John.

8、The weather changed suddenly and it started to rain heavily.

9、The fireman put out the fire. The fire was put out by the fireman.

10、The organization is trying to bring about change in the community through various initiatives.

11、The company changed their packaging to be more environmentally friendly.

12、The company's profits have changed significantly since last year.

13、The company is making changes to their website to improve user experience.

14、The fish swims in the pond. In the pond, the fish swims.

15、The doctor examined the patient. The patient was examined by the doctor.


16、The sudden change in the economy had a negative impact on small businesses.

17、Sarah is playing the piano. The piano is being played by Sarah.

18、He had to change his plans when he found out his flight was cancelled.


20、The coach decided to change the team's formation for the upcoming game.

21、The government implemented changes to tax laws in an effort to stimulate the economy.


23、She rode her bike to school. Her bike was ridden to school by her.

24、The baby is crawling on the floor. On the floor, the baby is crawling.

25、The sun sets in the west. In the west, the sun sets.

26、He fixed the broken clock. The broken clock was fixed by him.

27、The company is undergoing some changes in management.


29、She decided to change her major in college after realizing she was not passionate about her current field.

30、The bird is building a nest in the tree. In the tree, a nest is being built by the bird.


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